Press Releases

Press Release: Letting this Tax Deal Slip Away is a Failure for Innovation

Lynn Abramson, President of the CEBN provided a statement in response to the Senate failing to advance the Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act, which would allow for immediate expensing on domestic R&D expenses from 2022-2025.


Press Release: BCSE and CEBN Recognize Step Forward on Tech-Neutral Tax Credits

The Business Council for Sustainable Energy and Clean Energy Business Network provided a statement in response to the proposed rules for the technology neutral clean electricity tax credit framework issued by the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).


Press Release: CEBN Supports Administration’s Actions to Expand Capital Access for Small Climate Businesses

Lynn Abramson, President of the Clean Energy Business Network, provided a statement after the White House announced new actions to expand access to capital for small and medium-sized climate businesses and startups.


Press Release: Clean Energy Industries Support Robust Funding for Rural Energy Programs in 2024 Farm Bill

The Business Council for Sustainable Energy (BCSE) and the Clean Energy Business Network (CEBN) submitted recommendations to the House and Senate Committees on Agriculture today, urging Congress to include important energy efficiency and clean energy provisions in the Farm Bill during the 2023-2024 reauthorization process.


Press Release: EPA Standards are Important Long-term Market Signal for Power Sector Decarbonization

Lynn Abramson, President of the Clean Energy Business Network, provided the following statement after the Environmental Protection Agency announced a suite of finalized power sector regulations. These new rules include carbon emission limits on existing coal-fired and new natural gas-fired power plants.


Press Release: CEBN Celebrates EPA Award of $7 Billion in Solar for All Grants to States, Tribes, and Coalitions

Lynn Abramson, President of the Clean Energy Business Network, provided the following statement after the Environmental Protection Agency announced selected awardees for the Solar for All program within the Green House Gas Reduction Fund. The 60 awardees are projected to leverage the $7 billion in funding to spur solar projects for over 900,000 low-income households across the country.


Press Release: CEBN Applauds House Passage of Tax Deal, Strong Bipartisan Support for Restoring R&D Tax Deduction

Lynn Abramson, President of the Clean Energy Business Network, provided a statement after the House of Representatives passed the Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act. This legislation includes a retroactive restoration to Section 174 allowing for immediate expensing on domestic R&D expenses incurred from 2022-2025.


Press Release: CEBN Urges Swift Passage of Sec. 174 Revision through Bipartisan Tax Deal

Lynn Abramson, President of the Clean Energy Business Network, offered a statement in response to the announcement of a bipartisan agreement on a tax framework that includes a retroactive restoration of Section 174. The framework would allow for immediate expensing on domestic R&D expenses incurred after December 31, 2021 until January 1, 2026.


Press Release: Coalition of 30 Cleantech & Innovation Organizations Urges Congress to Fully Restore R&D Tax Deduction

Today the Clean Energy Business Network delivered a letter to Congress signed by a coalition of 30 cleantech organizations and allied trade associations urging lawmakers to permanently restore immediate expensing for the Sec. 174 R&D tax deduction, which lapsed in 2022.


Press Release: Clean Energy and Energy Efficiency Industries Call on Appropriators to Support Robust FY24 Clean Energy Funding

Today CEBN joined a coalition of 16 clean energy and energy efficiency trade associations and businesses on a letter to Congress urging appropriators to provide robust support for clean energy programs in FY2024. Lynn Abramson, President of the Clean Energy Business Network, issued a statement.


Press Release: Cleantech Businesses Call on Congress to Restore Immediate Expensing under the Section 174 R&D Deduction

Today, 210 cleantech business leaders, with support from the Clean Energy Business Network, sent a letter to all members of Congress urging them to pass bipartisan proposals restoring immediate expensing for the section 174 R&D tax deduction.


Press Release: CEBN Commends Passage of Debt Ceiling Deal that Preserves IRA Tax Credits

Lynn Abramson, President of the Clean Energy Business Network, issued a statement after Congress passed the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023.